Chapter 3: Filip Noterdaeme in New York 1987 - 1999

Filip Noterdaeme in NYC, early 1990s
"Williamsburg in those days was populated by poor
immigrants and drug addicts. There were old polish delis
and shabby bodegas and liquor stores and pawnshops
with bulletproof cashier windows. Crime was rampant
and sometimes one could see a chalk outline of someone
who got shot on the pavement. Everybody's front door
was always padlocked and windows had metal bars. The
streets were dirty and smelly and at night one frequently
passed prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, crack addicts and
tranny hookers."

McDermott and McGough's recommendation Letter for Filip Noterdaeme, 1991
"Filip Noterdaeme says that at the time there was no
one who came closer to living in a state of permanent creation
than McDermott and McGough. The couple was
famous for stubbornly refusing to be living a twentieth
century kind of life and shunning all things modern. Of
course this was not possible without the occasional compromise but, as David McDermott liked to point out to
anyone who cared to listen, modern inventions played
as minor a role in their lives as old-fashioned inventions
in everybody else's. (...) He worked for the duo for almost a year and at the end of his employment David McDermott gave him a lovely handwritten recommendation letter that was backdated as was the duo's habit with everything they signed."

Filip Noterdaeme's "Un-Magritte" Paintings, 1991
"He hired an assistant painter, a young french actor by the
name of Dominique Carrara. Under Filip Noterdaeme's
directions, Dominique Carrara painted a series of what
Filip Noterdaeme called Unmagrittes, Magrittes without
the surrealism. They were very funny if one knew the real
Magrittes but if one did not, not."

Filip Noterdaeme Drawing his Map of the World, Central Park, NYC 1991
"He was never bored with what he was doing and once caused for much confusion in Central Park after a La Traviata matinee at the Met where Franco Zeffirelli had cast him as a
circus clown. He was still wearing his Pagliacci makeup
and proceeded to unroll large sheets of cellophane on
Sheep's Meadow and kneeling down began tracing with a
black marker in great detail what was underneath. Whenever
somebody asked him what it was he was doing there
he replied to their great astonishment and in all seriousness,
I am drawing the first map of the world in the scale
of one to one."

Filip Noterdaeme Lecturing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, ca. 1997
"As an educator, he was far from being able to compete with those stupendous volunteering american lady docents, scattered all over american museums, who, prompted by the ulterior motive of self-perfection, managed to infuse innocent
wide-eyed museum visitors with a magical knowledge of
the arts in an atmosphere of vignettes, sandwiches and decaffeinated coffee."
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The Autobiography of Daniel J. Isengart is available in local bookstores and on AMAZON.